How to Name a Podcast

Choosing a name for your podcast is exciting! It should be attention-grabbing, easy to remember, and hinting at what your show is all about. But a truly excellent podcast name does more than that – it strategically aligns with what you hope to accomplish. Let’s explore how to name your podcast in a way that supports your vision.

Step 1: Define Your Podcast’s Purpose

Before you start tossing around name ideas, get clear on these essentials:

  • What’s the core theme? Will you explore true crime, teach about web design, or host interviews with comedians?
  • Who’s your ideal listener? Define their age, interests, and what problems or desires your podcast addresses.
  • What’s the vibe? Is your show humorous, serious, educational, or relaxed and conversational?
  • What do you want to achieve? Do you dream of attracting a vast audience, becoming the go-to expert in your niche, or simply having fun and connecting with a community?

Step 2: Naming Strategies to Match Your Goals

Now it’s time to tailor those name ideas to your purpose:

  • Visibility & SEO: If you aim for maximum reach, include keywords people might search for. A gardening podcast named “The Organic Gardener” is more accessible to discover than something abstract like “Seeds of Inspiration.”
  • Niche Authority: A descriptive name tells experts you’re the real deal. “JavaScript Deep Dive” speaks to developers more clearly than “Coding Talk.”
  • Memorability & Branding: A unique and catchy name can help you stand out. Consider using a play on words, alliteration, or even your name if you plan to build a personal brand.
  • Community Connection: If your podcast revolves around a shared passion or interest, get your future audience involved! Run a brainstorming session or a naming contest to build engagement immediately.

Step 3: Practical Tips

  • Keep it short & snappy: Aim for a name that’s easy to spell and remember.
  • Say it aloud: Does the name have a nice flow? Avoid tongue-twisters.
  • Check availability: Ensure the domain name and social media handles are free – you don’t want confusion later!

Podcast Naming Checklist

Section Questions & Brainstorming
Step 1: Define Your Purpose * What’s my core theme/topic? *Who’s my ideal listener? (age, interests, needs) * What’s the intended vibe of my podcast? (e.g., funny, serious, informative) * What’s my main goal? (e.g., build audience, become an expert, create community)
Step 2: Brainstorm with Goals in Mind * List keywords people might search for related to my topic. * List words that convey the desired feeling or vibe. * Brainstorm descriptive name ideas that hint at my niche. * Think about catchy, unique, or playful name options. * Consider if your own name fits naturally into any of the ideas.
Step 3: Narrow It Down * Circle the shortest and easiest names to pronounce. * Do a quick online search to see if the associated website domains and social media handles are available for your top choices. * Say your top choices out loud – which ones have the best flow? * Which names best reflect your goals and the brand image you wish to create?

Name Generators: A Spark, Not a Solution

Name generators can provide a creative jumpstart, but don’t rely solely on them. They often need a strategic understanding of your unique goals and target audience.

Example: “The Keto Cookery” vs. “Carb-Conscious Kitchen”

Both signal a podcast about the keto diet, but consider the subtle differences:

  • “The Keto Cookery” is more specific, attracting those already committed to keto.
  • “Carb-Conscious Kitchen” casts a wider net, potentially appealing to those just starting to explore a low-carb lifestyle.

Your Name Is the Foundation

Your podcast name is a powerful piece of your overall brand. Chosen thoughtfully, it attracts the right listeners and helps you achieve your envisioned success. Invest some time into finding a name that sounds great and strategically supports your podcasting goals.