How to Record a Zoom Meeting for a Podcast

There are a few ways to record a Zoom meeting, depending on your role (host or participant) and your Zoom plan:

If you’re the host:

  • Local Recording:
    • This is available on all Zoom plans (including the free one).
    • The recording is saved to your computer.
    • Click the “Record” button.
    • You choose to record to the cloud (if you have a paid plan) or to your computer.
  • Cloud Recording:
    • This is available on paid Zoom plans (Pro, Business, Education, and Enterprise).
    • Recordings are saved to the Zoom cloud.
    • Click the “Record” button and pick “Record to the Cloud“.

If you’re a participant:

  • You can only record the meeting if the host gives you permission.
  • The host can do this by clicking “Manage Participants” and then allowing recording for your user.
  • Once you have permission, you can follow the same steps as the host to record the meeting.

Additional Tips:

  • Check your settings: Before recording, ensure you have enough storage space on your computer or in the Zoom cloud.
  • Inform participants: It’s good practice to let everyone know you’re recording the meeting.
  • Pause/Resume: Pause and resume the recording if needed.
  • Stop recording: Click “Stop Recording” button to stop the recording.
  • Access recordings: Local recordings are saved to your computer. Cloud recordings are accessed through the Zoom web portal.