Do Podcast Download Numbers Actually Matter?

In the bustling world of podcasting, getting caught up in the numbers game is easy. Downloads, views, likes, and comments become the yardsticks by which we measure our success. But what happens when those numbers don’t meet our expectations? Or worse, what if we achieve them but still feel empty and unfulfilled?

The truth is that chasing vanity metrics without a clear purpose can lead to burnout and disillusionment. The most successful podcasts aren’t built on downloads alone but on a foundation of passion, authenticity, and a deep understanding of their “why.”

In this blog post, we’ll define your podcast’s purpose and align your goals with your values. We’ll also explore how to measure what truly matters and monetize your podcast with integrity.

Unmasking Your “Why”

The first step in finding your podcast’s purpose is to ask yourself: Why did you start this podcast in the first place? What motivated you to put your voice out into the world?

For some, the answer might be simple: to share knowledge and expertise on a particular topic. For others, it might be to build a community around a shared interest or passion. Still, others might be driven by the desire for creative expression or to positively impact the world.

There’s no right or wrong answer, but it’s crucial to identify your core motivation. This will serve as your guiding star, helping you make decisions about content, format, and promotion that align with your values and resonate with your ideal audience.

Some common motivations for starting a podcast include:

  • Sharing knowledge and expertise: Educating and informing listeners on a particular topic.
  • Building a community around a shared interest: Creating a space for like-minded individuals to connect and discuss a common passion
  • Creative expression and storytelling: Providing an outlet for personal expression and sharing stories that matter
  • Making a positive impact on the world: Inspiring change, raising awareness, or promoting a cause you believe in
  • Building a personal brand or business: Establishing your podcast as an authority in your niche and generating income through your podcast.

Once you’ve identified your “why,” it’s time to start measuring what matters.

Measuring What Matters

If your goal is to build a community, your metrics of success might include:

  • Engagement on social media or in a dedicated online forum
  • Testimonials and feedback from listeners about their sense of belonging
  • Growth in your email list or Patreon community

If your goal is education, you might track:

  • Questions and comments from listeners demonstrating learning
  • Positive reviews that highlight the educational value of your podcast
  • Opportunities to share your knowledge through guest appearances or speaking engagements

If your goal is creative expression, success might be more subjective and personal, based on:

  • The joy and fulfillment you derive from creating the podcast
  • Feedback from trusted individuals who understand your artistic vision
  • Personal milestones and creative achievements

If your goal is to make an impact, you might measure:

  • Specific actions or changes you hope to inspire in your listeners
  • Stories of how your podcast has made a difference in people’s lives
  • Your reach and influence within your target community

If your goal is business or brand building, downloads and audience growth remain important but focus on the right audience. You might also track:

  • Leads generated, partnerships formed, and revenue earned from your podcast
  • Your brand awareness and authority in your niche

By aligning your metrics with your goals, you’ll be able to track your progress more meaningfully and make adjustments as needed to stay on course.

Monetizing with Purpose

Once you clearly understand your podcast’s purpose and how to measure success, you can start exploring monetization strategies that align with your values and serve your audience.

Some popular options include:

  • Affiliate marketing: Recommend products or services relevant to the podcast’s niche that earns a commission on each action made through your unique affiliate link. It might be on purchase of a product, it might be an email submission, etc.
  • Email list: Build a loyal community of subscribers and promote relevant offers or products through your newsletter.
  • Premium content: Offer exclusive content, bonus episodes, or behind-the-scenes access to paying subscribers.
  • Merchandise: Sell branded merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, or stickers to generate additional income and promote your podcast.
  • Sponsorships: Partner with brands that resonate with your audience and message to secure sponsorships or advertising deals.

The point is to choose monetization strategies that feel authentic to you and provide value to your listeners. Avoid promoting products or services you don’t believe in or that aren’t relevant to your audience.


Downloads are just one piece of the puzzle. By defining your purpose, measuring the right metrics, and monetizing with integrity, you can create a podcast that not only achieves numerical success but also fulfills your deepest aspirations and makes a meaningful impact on the world.

Remember, the most successful podcasts are built on passion, authenticity, and a clear sense of mission.