How to Start a Podcast on Youtube

In the ever-evolving world of digital content creation, podcasters constantly seek ways to expand their reach and connect with new audiences. One increasingly popular strategy is repurposing podcast content for YouTube, the world’s second-largest search engine and a hub for video consumption. But is this the right move for you? Let’s dive in and explore the potential benefits and challenges of launching a YouTube channel for your podcast.

Is YouTube Right for Your Podcast?

Before you jump headfirst into video production, take a moment to assess whether YouTube aligns with your podcast format and target audience.

  • Podcast Format: Some formats naturally lend themselves to video. Interview-style podcasts, where viewers can see the dynamic between host and guest, often thrive on YouTube. Similarly, storytelling or educational podcasts can benefit from visual aids and demonstrations. However, the transition to video may be more challenging if your podcast is highly niche or relies heavily on audio elements like sound effects or music.
  • Target Audience: Do your listeners engage with video content? Analyze your audience demographics and preferences. Are they active on YouTube? Do similar podcasts in your niche have successful YouTube channels? Understanding your audience’s viewing habits will help you gauge the potential for growth on the platform.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Starting a YouTube Channel

Starting a YouTube channel for your podcast offers several exciting possibilities but also comes with its own set of challenges. Let’s weigh the pros and cons.


  • Expanded Reach: YouTube boasts a massive audience, allowing you to tap into new listeners who might not have discovered your podcast otherwise.
  • Monetization Opportunities: YouTube offers various monetization options, including advertising revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales, which could potentially create new income streams for your podcast.
  • Increased Engagement: YouTube’s comment section and live chat features facilitate real-time interaction with your audience, fostering a stronger sense of community.
  • Discoverability: Optimizing your videos for YouTube’s search and recommendation algorithms can boost your visibility and attract organic viewers — MORE ON THIS BELOW! THIS IS HUGE!


  • Time and Resources: Producing high-quality videos requires time, effort, and often additional equipment and software.
  • Technical Skills: Video editing and production may involve a learning curve if you’re new to the medium.
  • Audience Fragmentation: Juggling multiple platforms can be demanding, and you risk dividing your audience’s attention.
  • Algorithm Dependency: YouTube’s algorithm can be unpredictable, making it challenging to maintain consistent viewership.

YouTube, Google, and the Power of Search

Having a presence that shows on Google & Youtube is a massive advantage because YouTube videos themselves can rank not only in YouTube’s search engine (example: how to videos – how to tie a tie has 60 million views), but YouTube videos also rank in Google (and other search engines too) for a given keyword as well.

Here take a look. This is the search result in YouTube for how to tie a tie… Take a look at the age of the video and the view count. It is a piece of content that has become an asset…. it was created once, and it has been popular for 9-14 years for these top results…. and they earn money on this!


Now lets take a look at the Google result as well…


Check out that thumbnail, the #2 result on YouTube is also the #1 result on Google. Safe to say that it gets a ton of traffic! 

I use a keyword tool for Google and a different keyword tool for YouTube — let’s see how popular the search term is, and we’ll get back to why this is important.


I hope you’re following along, because the phrase “how to tie a tie” is searched for over 650 THOUSAND TIMES per month on YouTube itself.

How to Tie a Tie is also searched for over 300,000 times a month on Google itself.

That is close to a million searches a month! And it explains how they got so many views… And you can do this too with your podcast!

Relating It Back to Your Podcast…

I’m trying to show that if you’re strategic with the content you make with your podcast that you could very easily show up in the search results for something somebody is looking for.

That means if you have a podcast episode about something specific like “The Best Strategies for Winning in Dungeon and Dragons” you have a good chance of showing up both in YouTube and Google.

This also means you’ll attract a flood of new listeners to your channel if there is search volume for the topic. 

New listeners means more subscribers, more visits to your podcast’s website, more clicks on the offers that get you paid — and a show that is growing exponentially!

If you have a website and a call to action in the podcast and description, you funnel those new listeners to your website and use that to make money (more on that below!).

Key Considerations Before You Launch

If you’re ready to take the plunge, here are some essential factors to consider:

  • Content Strategy: Will you simply repurpose existing episodes or create unique video content? Experiment with formats like shorter clips or highlight reels to cater to YouTube’s shorter attention spans. Craft compelling titles and thumbnails to entice viewers to click.
  • Technical Setup: Invest in a decent camera, microphone, and video editing software. Plenty of affordable options are available, and numerous free tutorials online can help you master the basics of video editing.
  • Promotion and Growth: Cross-promote your YouTube channel on your podcast, website, and social media platforms. Utilize relevant keywords and tags to improve discoverability. Actively engage with your viewers through comments and community features.

Get a Webhost & Leverage Your Show’s Site

Click here to learn how to sign up for web hosting

If you have a website for your podcast, your YouTube channel can become a powerful tool to funnel viewers back to your site. This opens up a world of monetization opportunities beyond YouTube’s built-in features.

    • Create Engaging Content for Each Episode
      • Blog Post: Publish a blog post for each episode, summarizing key points, providing additional context, or offering behind-the-scenes insights.
      • Transcript: Include a full or partial transcript of the episode, making your content accessible to a wider audience and improving SEO.
      • Resources and Downloads: Provide free downloadable resources related to the episode’s topic, such as worksheets, checklists, or templates.
      • Calls to Action: Encourage viewers to visit the website for further information, to join your email list, or to purchase related products or services.

Creating valuable (aka helpful) and engaging content on your website gives your audience a reason to visit and interact with your brand beyond just listening to your podcast or watching your videos. This fosters a deeper connection, builds trust, and ultimately increases conversion rates for your monetization efforts.

  • Monetization Strategies:
    • Sell merchandise: Offer branded t-shirts, mugs, or other products related to your podcast.
    • Offer premium content: Create exclusive content or early access for paying subscribers on your website.
    • Affiliate marketing: Promote products or services relevant to your audience and earn a commission on sales.
    • Offer online courses or workshops: Share your expertise and generate income through educational content.
    • Secure sponsorships or brand deals: Attract sponsors who want to reach your engaged audience.
  • Protect Your Brand: Before launching your channel, ensure your podcast’s name is available as a .com and register it as a trademark to prevent others from using it. This safeguards your brand identity and future growth potential.