Podcast Networks for Small Podcasts (Best Platforms for Beginners)

Small podcasts, often characterized by niche topics, limited resources, and emerging audiences, face unique challenges in the ever-growing podcast landscape. Joining a podcast network can offer invaluable support, resources, and community for these shows to thrive.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Podcast Network:

  • Size and Focus: Some networks specialize in specific genres or topics, while others are more generalist. Consider the network’s size and focus to ensure alignment with your podcast’s content and target audience.
  • Resources and Support: Networks offer varying levels of support, including production assistance, marketing and promotion, monetization options, and community engagement. Assess your needs and choose a network that can best fulfill them.
  • Community and Collaboration: Many networks foster a sense of community among their podcasters, providing opportunities for collaboration, cross-promotion, and shared learning. Determine the importance of community interaction in your podcasting journey.
  • Monetization Options: If monetization is a priority, explore the network’s revenue-sharing models, advertising opportunities, and potential for sponsorship deals.
  • Contract Terms and Ownership Rights: Carefully review the network’s contract terms, paying close attention to ownership rights, exclusivity clauses, and termination conditions.

Small Podcast Networks Good For Beginners

While these networks may or may not actively seek new shows, it’s worth checking each one to see as they constantly change & reaching out to express your interest and see if there’s an opportunity to join.

  • The Oracle 3 Network Focuses on diversity and inclusion, providing a platform for underrepresented voices.
  • Dogcast Network: Caters specifically to dog-related podcasts, offering a niche community and resources.
  • The Podglomerate: A large network with diverse shows, potentially offering greater exposure but less personalized attention.
  • Mockingbird Network
  • Gonna Geek Network
  • Belly Up Sports Podcast Network
  • Saturday Morning Media
  • Cannabis Radio

Additional Podcast Networks for Small Podcasts

Click here for my favorite podcast network for small podcasts

Some of these platforms like Podbean, and Buzzsprout pay through multiple monetization options such as ads, recurring subscriber subscriptions, and other features similar to Patreon.

  • Blubrry Podcasting: Offers hosting, distribution, and monetization tools with a focus on independent podcasters.
  • Buzzsprout: User-friendly platform for podcast hosting and distribution with various paid plans and features.
  • Captivate: Provides podcast hosting, analytics, and marketing tools, catering to both beginners and experienced podcasters.
  • Podbean: One of the best podcast networks for smaller shows, they have a free trial with free and paid hosting plans with various features, including monetization options and social sharing. It can scale as your show grows.
  • Resonate Recordings: A full-service podcast production company with a network of shows that potentially offers production support and distribution.
  • Atlantic Transmission
  • Anomalist Radio Network
  • Podcast Advocate Network
  • Bliss Life Press
  • The Outpost FM
  • Gaming Podcast Alliance
  • Sports Radio Detroit
  • Headgum
  • Washed Up Network
  • Cast Junkie
  • Fable and Folly
  • That’s Not Canon

Tips for Approaching Podcast Networks:

  • Prepare a Strong Pitch: Craft a compelling pitch highlighting your podcast’s unique value proposition, target audience, and growth potential.
  • Research the Network: Thoroughly research the network’s focus, values, and target audience to ensure alignment with your podcast.
  • Network with Others: Connect with other podcasters and industry professionals to gain insights and potential leads for network opportunities.